You want it in 2024? Then Make it Happen!!


 You want it? Then make it happen!
Do you believe it's 16 days into the year already? 

What have you done for YOU since the first of the year?

Statistics show that when we make resolutions we stick to it for at least 2-3months. This is better than when I started following the average time used to be 15 days. 

How are you doing with your goal so far? 

Here's a great story about the difference between "wants" and "intent" 

Two friends are chatting about their diets. The first one says, “I want to be healthy and feel great.” The second one says, “I intend to be healthy and feel great.”
Which one do you think is going to get healthy and feel great? Yep – the one who intends it.
Wanting is simply wishing you can have or do a particular thing. Intending means you’re committed to achieving something by making a plan for success – and sticking to it!
What’s your intention for 2024? 

Do you intend to find ways to reduce hot flashes, lose weight, eat healthy, and feel fantastic?

Make a plan to succeed.

Click here for my freebie on the Top 5  essential oils to reduce hot flashes

The Fuel for Desired Results

The key to intention is action – try this to build your intention muscle:
  • Get clear on what you want. Create a vision board by gathering images and words that pertain to your goal, and gluing them onto a large piece of construction paper. Hang the collage in a spot where you’ll see it often (or, you can use an online service like Pinterest to create a digital vision board).
  • Do something to make your desire happen. Let’s say you want to eat four servings of vegetables a day. Your first action may be to make a list from a couple of vegetables recipes then go to a grocery store to purchase what you need. 
  • Celebrate your achievement! 
  • Don’t forget to congratulate yourself for meeting your goal.
How to Have a Great Day… Every Day!

Did you know that you can even set an intention to have a great day?
Rather than diving into your morning and hoping you’ll achieve your day’s big goal, why not take a moment and set yourself up for success?
Try this “Setting an Intention to Succeed” exercise used by professional athletes, speakers, politicians, and performers:
  • Upon waking, lie in bed and think about what you have planned for your day (or, find a quiet spot to sit and contemplate). Write it down. 
  • Think about your desired outcome. Take a deep breath and visualize yourself succeeding. 
  • Replay your success several times in your mind. 
  • Next, add other senses, including sounds, smells, and touch. For instance, as you replay your success, you now also hear the director offering you the gig, or you feel the physical sensation of your finger hitting the “send” button on your latest assignment. 
  • Lastly, replay the scene again, adding emotions. Feel your elation at getting the part, or your pride at finally finishing your work.
You can perform "Setting an Intention to Succeed" throughout the day as desired.

We help our clients to develop healthy habits to reduce hot flashes, pain, better sleep and increase their energy!!! 

If you need help with being intentional  click here for a free 30 Min Discovery call


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Did you hear about the FDA wants to ban hair relaxers?

In this blog post, we learn about the importance of creating a toxic-free home using Young Living essential oils. The article provides 35 simple ways to swap out household toxins for non-toxic products, with a promise to share these tips gradually. By making these swaps, individuals can create a healthier environment that can benefit those with respiratory issues, allergies, asthma, and more. The blog post also highlights the safety of essential oils for children and pets, emphasizing the need to keep them out of reach. The guide then shares five simple ways to detox the home using essential oils, including DIY all-purpose cleaner, air purification, chemical-free laundry, non-toxic room sprays, and natural air fresheners. The post concludes by encouraging the use of high-quality essential oils like Young Living for maximum benefits and provides a link for ordering supplies.
In a recent blog post, the author shares their mixed feelings upon hearing about the proposed ban on hair relaxers. As a licensed hair stylist for over 35 years, they built their business around relaxers but eventually transitioned their clients to natural ways of straightening and embracing their natural curls due to the harmful effects of relaxers and other ingredients in beauty and personal care products. They express frustration over the FDA allowing carcinogenic ingredients in everyday products that have been banned in other countries for years. The author calls for a broader ban on chemicals that have been proven to cause cancers and other diseases, including pesticides on foods, artificial colors, and household cleaning products.

To provide further resources, the author offers a free PDF on controversial ingredients and a guide to natural cleaning options. They also include links to articles discussing the FDA's proposed ban on hair relaxers and a list of ingredients not banned in the US but known as carcinogens. The author promises to share ways to swap out harmful chemicals in daily life in future posts.

Top 5 Oils for your private summers!!!

Are you tired of dealing with the discomfort of private summers? Don't worry, essential oils can come to your rescue! These natural remedies are a fantastic way to combat those pesky symptoms and find relief, all without harmful side effects. Here's how you can harness the power of Young Living essential oils to tackle private summers head-on:

1. Cooling Citrus Blend: Create your very own cooling blend by combining refreshing citrus oils like Peppermint, Grapefruit, and Lemon. Mix a few drops of each oil with a carrier oil and apply it to your temples, back of the neck, or any other pulse points for an instant cooling sensation.

2. Hormone-Balancing Roll-on: Balance hormonal fluctuations by using Clary Sage and Geranium essential oils. Mix a few drops of each oil with a carrier oil in a roller bottle. Apply this blend to your abdomen or lower back to promote hormonal balance and minimize private summers' intensity.

3. Calming Lavender Pillow Spray: Spritz your pillow with a lavender-infused spray before bedtime. Lavender's soothing properties can help you relax and get a good night's sleep, reducing the occurrence of private summers. Combine Lavender with distilled water in a spray bottle and mist your pillow before going to bed.

4. Cooling Mist: Create a refreshing mist using Peppermint essential oil. Mix a few drops of Peppermint oil with distilled water in a spray bottle. Keep it in your purse or bag and spritz it on your face for a cooling effect whenever you feel a private summer coming on.

5. Relaxing Bath Soak: Take some time for self-care and indulge in a relaxing bath soak. Add a few drops of Lavender, Geranium, or Ylang Ylang essential oils to your warm bathwater. These oils have calming properties that can ease stress and reduce private summers' discomfort.

Remember, finding the right blend and method that works for you may take some experimentation. Young Living provides a wide range of essential oils that can be beneficial for combating private summers. 
Embrace the power of nature and make essential oils a part of your daily routine, so you can bid farewell to private summers and embrace a more comfortable life!

Comment or questions on this post. 

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35 Simple Swaps broken down in 5 weekly blogs!!! Don't worry you wont get them all at one time:)

In this blog post, we learn about the importance of creating a toxic-free home using Young Living essential oils. The article provides 35 simple ways to swap out household toxins for non-toxic products, with a promise to share these tips gradually. By making these swaps, individuals can create a healthier environment that can benefit those with respiratory issues, allergies, asthma, and more. The blog post also highlights the safety of essential oils for children and pets, emphasizing the need to keep them out of reach. The guide then shares five simple ways to detox the home using essential oils, including DIY all-purpose cleaner, air purification, chemical-free laundry, non-toxic room sprays, and natural air fresheners. The post concludes by encouraging the use of high-quality essential oils like Young Living for maximum benefits and provides a link for ordering supplies.

Message From Shawne

God's morning 
What makes you smile? Laughed from your belly? For some, it’s a walk barefoot through the grass. For another, it’s a spin on a roller coaster, a solo movie date, or a perfectly ripe mango.
So… when was the last time you did something that makes you happy?
If it’s been awhile, consider this: Happiness lowers stress levels, increases immune system function, and lowers your risk of disease. It also makes life easier.
The Magic Formula for Daily Pleasure
Doing one pleasurable thing per day (or more!) is the most powerful antidote for gray, boring, or stressful days. Try this:
  • Make an “I love” list. List everything that you enjoy—nothing is too small or too large. If you enjoy it, put it on the list.
  • Take a look at how you spend your days. When could you fit in a little pleasure? Perhaps you could leave the office at lunch to walk in the park? Maybe you could play your favorite music while doing the dishes? Book yourself a massage this weekend?
  • Take a hot bath add your favorite essential oils to help you relax your mind, and muscles.
  • Repeat daily—or more often, as needed.
To get you started down the road of pleasure, give this luscious recipe a try:
Mango Cream
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Serves 4
1 mango, peeled and diced
1/4 cup orange juice
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon agave nectar (optional)
1  large ripe banana
  • Process first 4 ingredients in a blender.
  • Blend for 1 minute, or until pureed.
  • Pour puree into a medium bowl.
  • Place banana in a food processor or blender until smooth and creamy.
  • Fold  banana into mango puree, using a knife to swirl in a marbled effect.
Start your healthy journey with just one conversation.
Book here for a 30min wellness session

5 Day Detox
Includes recipes: breakfast, lunch, dinner snack, and desert
2 days of coaching from  Shawne 
Information on how to read labels, how to shop, meal prepping, essential oils for daily use. 

Join our Essential oils FB group
Love yourself Thursday next class October 20, 2022 @ 7pm 

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Back to Earth

You're 50 Now What?

Have a blessed, amazing weekend

Shawne D. Johnson
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